Weather Atlas Press Kit


Weather Atlas is a modern take on what a weather app should be. Weather data is inherently geographical, and Weather Atlas brings that to the forefront. It was built from the ground up with the taller screen of the iPhone 8 in mind and uses Apple’s latest technologies like iPad Split View on iOS 11. We even took inspiration from Apple’s evolving aesthetic as expressed in the newer parts iOS 11.

The app features a 10 Day forecast along with an hourly breakdown of all 10 days. Severe weather alerts are displayed in the app to keep users informed (no push notifications, yet). And the mapping is where Weather Atlas really shines. There’s the standard radar and cloud layers, but also temperature, humidity, precipitation accumulation. They all look fantastic overlaid on the map. Then there’s the warning layers: everything from thunderstorm and tornado warnings to hurricane and tropical tracks.

Users can customize the app icon and weather icons to their favorite style. We include a wide gamut of style choices and have more in the works. We actually have quite a few things in the works. The goal for Weather Atlas 1.0 was to build a solid “daily driver” weather app with more features than apps like Yahoo Weather, but not be overwhelming like some of the nerdier weather apps. I think we’ve achieved that goal and have a solid base to start adding more bells and whistles without ruining the experience.

IMPORTANT Weather Atlas is US only. Weather maps are tough to get globally, but we hope to expand to other countries as feasible.

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Radar GIF

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iPad 10 Day Forecast

Icon Themes

10 Day Forecast

Hourly Forecast



Contrast Logo